
BTEC First Award in Engineering LEVEL 1 & 2 (Years 10&11)


The BTEC First Award in Engineering is designed to give students a broad and robust introduction to Engineering and Engineering concepts. It provides students with underpinning knowledge, understanding and practical skills designed to reflect industries latest needs and support clear progression into higher and further education.

It presents knowledge, skills and understanding in a meaningful work-related context, to allow learners to understand theory and application. 

Course Details

The course comprises of core units that underpin the knowledge and skills that are valued in the engineering sector. One core unit focuses on essential knowledge, and the other core unit focuses on applying essential vocational skills.

Core Units

Unit 1: The Engineered World - An introduction to engineering where students investigate different aspects of the industry including;

  • Sectors of engineering
  • Machining, fabrication and forming processes
  • Scales of Production
  • Modern and smart materials
  • New Technologies
  • Reducing Waste
  • Renewable Energy

Upon completion of the unit, students undertake an online assessment based on the unit 1 content. This Assessment equates to 25% of the final mark.

Unit 2: Investigation of an Engineered Product

Students select an engineered product, and complete a series of assignments looking at different aspects of its manufacture.

Optional Unit

Unit 8: Electronic Circuit Design and Construction

This unit will see students design and build electronic circuits to solve different engineering problems. Students will learn how to fault find, check continuity, apply appropriate power supplies, calculate component values. They will complete a series of reports based on their investiagtions and practical sessions.

Test Section 1

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