Yesterday we held our annual Public Speaking Event at Kingsley. Lucia, from Spain, took to the stage to brilliantly present her speech titled 'Success in a New Country.'
We are delighted to share her speech with you below:
Hi, I’m Lucia, I’m 13 years old. As you can hear from my accent, I’m not from here I’m from Spain, I came here to study for 1 year as an exchange student and I’m going to tell you about my experience.
There are several challenges that you are going to have when you come to another country.
-Firstly, sometimes you are going to miss home, your family, your country and the comfort of your culture.
At the end of the day, your family is far from where you are and the days are really different and you may need some time until you get used to it. For instance, we used to have supper at 9 p.m. and here is at 6pm.
Also, the weather here is very different to the one of my country, because it rains a lot and its much colder than in Spain.
-Secondly, at first you won’t understand things and you will have to ask a lot of questions - DON’T BE AFRAID OF ASKING!
The first week you may have problems understanding some of the teachers, your friends, actually all of the people that speak to you in this language. So, you have to be patient because the knowledge of a language takes time to learn. But if you keep practising and talking with different people you will notice a big improvement very quickly.
Studying 1 year abroad is so expensive and not all people can pay this. In my school only 10% of the students do this, but statistically, in Spain only 1% of the students take part in this experience. Apart for the economic reasons, many children may not want to be away from their parents.
The first days that I arrived to Kingsley, people from the school made me feel very comfortable, because they are used to talking with people from other countries and make your life easier at the beginning.
There are a lot of challenges but at the end it’s worth it. The benefits are as follows:
- Firstly, you’re going to make a lot of new friends from different countries, especially from England.
Now a days it’s so easy to keep in touch with them because we have a lot of different devices that can help you to talk with people even if they live far away.
- Secondly, you’re going to have an incredible experience and you will have a lot of memories for life
Not everyone has the opportunity of taking part in this experience, so you must make the most of it.
- Third you’re going to learn a lot of this language in a way that is different and lots of fun
Because you are going to have an incredible experience, I recommend you to go.
Would you like to have an incredible experience in another country?
You should do this.