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Celebrating Exceptional Achievements in A-Level Results at Kingsley School 

Celebrating Exceptional Achievements in A-Level Results at Kingsley School 


Celebrating Exceptional Achievements in A-Level Results at Kingsley School 


Kingsley School is delighted to announce outstanding A-Leveand BTEC results, showcasing the dedication and hard work of its students. An impressive 85% of all grades achieved were A*- C, reflecting the high standards of education and commitment to excellence. Furthermore, 30% of grades obtained were A*-Aa testament to the exceptional capabilities of our students. 


These results have outperformed national averages across all grades once again, clearly demonstrating the School’s commitment to academic success. With aastonishing 85% of students already having accepted their first-choice university offers or destinations, with some offers still to be confirmed, the students are set to embark upon the next exciting stage of their educational journeys. 


Headmaster Robert Pavis said, ” I am so proud and delighted with these outstanding achievements, which really is down to the students' determination and the unwavering support of all the teachers and support staff. Today’s successes reflect Kingsley's dedication to shaping well-rounded global citizens ready to make positive contributions to societies.” 


Tom Paviour Coward and Joshua Harrison on A level results day at Kingsley School